10 Trainees from 6 companies participated in this training
companies are: GES | Dozens Furniture | Enasher Co. | | ITG | Enasher Co. | Salma Medical Suppliers | PDF
Training Platforms & Framework
Ameed Awad is a Certified Digital Marketing Professional (Digital Marketing Institute – DMI) with over 13 years of practical experience in online advertising, traditional marketing and digital marketing using all social media channels (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and LinkedIn) for local and International private companies. Ameed is currently working as a professional trainer in Dubai, Amman and Ramallah on Social Media and Digital Marketing topics (i.e. Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), Click Through Rate CTR, CPM, CPC, email marketing and display advertising using Google AdWords). Ameed is also working as a consultant for International firms to design online strategic plans and enhance the conversion of online clients through social media channels by adding creative ads and contents to engage clients with local/international brands, also Ameed is holding 15 years of designing and developing website for local/international companies/organizations.
Ameed recently received Certified Brand Manager from AIPMM institution (USA) and conducted two days’ workshop in Dubai Social Media Summit Workshop October 2016 talking about the importance Social Media and Digital Marketing Channels for more than 5 main sectors (Banking, Real Estate, Hospitality, Food & Beverage, TVs and Radios) http://smsworkshops.com/ , more than 80 participants attend this workshop from more than 7 countries in the GCC region.